About Givv
Our Mission
Our mission at Givv is to empower people to do good and to be good. We hope to inspire change by creating a positive sphere of influence that is founded upon loving unconditionally and giving with an open heart. We are committed to finding good businesses who want to support the Givv movement and connect them with good people who share the same vision. We believe that many good people working together to do many good things will change the world for the better.
Our Why: The Givv Movement
Givv is not a product. It is a movement. At Givv, we believe that everyone is inherently good and that we all have a desire to help our neighbor. We just don’t think about it enough. We get lost in our busy lives and schedules and don’t take the time to think about how we can help the person standing right next to us. With Givv, we hope to change this mentality. We hope to build a brand that will help us all to remember that we all have good to do in this world. A kind gesture or a small act of service is all it takes. It can be as simple as telling someone they are loved or reminding them that they are important. Then ask that person to do the same for someone else. A little time and a little effort can make a big difference in the lives of everyone around us.
We know from experience that this type of giving fills the soul with peace and brings joy to both the giver and the receiver. It is so rewarding. If everyone can give a little something here or there to help someone else or brighten their day, these small acts of kindness will change the world. It will help us to love more and love deeper. It will help us to be more mindful of the needs of those around us. We will be happier as we look outward and focus on others. Those we help will also be lifted up and hopefully feel empowered to pass it on. The person to your right or to your left is your brother or sister. We are all part of the human family. Please, be mindful of the people around you. Give when and where you can and we will make the world a better place.
The Givv Logo
The Givv logo carries a significant and special meaning. It is a sign of love and friendship. The second “V” in the logo symbolizes an open heart, insinuating that we ought to give with an open heart. To give with an open heart means to give simply out of a desire to help someone else, no strings attached. We hope that the Givv movement will help people to give out of the goodness of their hearts and because of the love they have for their fellow human beings.
The #GivvChallenge
Do something nice or say something kind to someone else. Hand them a givv wristband and invite them to do the same for another person. It's that simple.
You can share the act of kindness with #GivvChallenge to help spread the Givv movement even more! Let's share love and kindness with the world!